Spreading Joy from the Pews to the Stream: Volunteer with Your Church’s Live Stream Team!

Looking for a unique and impactful way to give back to your community? Look no further than your own church’s live stream team! Volunteering with this group offers a chance to use your tech skills or simply your enthusiasm for a meaningful cause. Whether you’re a seasoned techie or a friendly face for viewers, there’s a role waiting for you.

Beyond the technical aspects, volunteering with the live stream team fosters a deeper connection with your church community. From greeting online viewers to managing the chat room and fostering a welcoming virtual space, you become a bridge between the physical church and its online congregation. This opportunity allows you to share your faith and spread the church’s message of hope and inspiration in a fresh, digital way. So, if you’re passionate about your church and have a heart for service, consider joining the live stream team – you might be surprised by the joy it brings to both you and the online congregation.

For more information Email the Foundation at: programs@barbaraseniorsharkinsfoundation.org