Calling all Animation All-Stars!

Ready to bring your character creations to life? Blast off from your screen and into the world of professional animation with our electrifying online workshop.

Ever wondered:

How do your favourite cartoons move and groove? ‍

What’s it like to work on a blockbuster film?

How can you turn your artistic passion into a career?

Get ready to:

Meet and learn from: ✨ Renowned film and television animators!

They’ll share their industry secrets, tips, and tricks for bringing characters to life on the big and small screen.

Panel Includes:

Ms. Janet Perlman- (Animator)

Mr. Andrew Schmidt (Animator: Film Brave, The Iron Giant, Monsters, Inc, Ratatouille)

Ms. Shir Baron (Animator: Puss In Boots)

Many More!

Connect with fellow animation enthusiasts: Make new friends who share your passion, ask questions, and build your creative community.

This is your chance to:

Spark your creativity: Ignite your imagination and learn from the pros.

Level up your skills: ✍️ Hone your artistic abilities and discover new techniques.

Get inspired: Hear real-life stories and gain the confidence to chase your animation dreams.

So, what are you waiting for? Scroll down, register now, and get ready to animate your future!

Date: Saturday, January 20, 2024

Time: 10:00am-12:00pm

Location: Online