Hard-Working Young Actor Spotlight: Emily Gomez

Emily Gomez is from Reseda (West San Fernando Valley). She formerly attended Cleveland
High School, Reseda, and is currently a freshman Theatre major at California State University
(CSUN), Northridge. After two years of online school, she was looking forward to connect with
people in person and finding new interests in college.
Her favorite activity is choir because she feels so deeply connected to her peers as team
members and friends. Being part of a choir is one of the ultimate forms of being a team, in her
biased opinion. If you do too much and try and sing louder or more different than everyone else,
or if you sing too quietly and without confidence, the piece does not come together. Choir has
taught her valuable lessons in learning how to receive and give criticism, and persistence in
learning material she finds difficult.
She has always been an English lover, so she really loves her Movement (Theatre) class right
now because she is gaining a deeper understanding of plays through choreography! She is
currently a member of CSUN’s Theatre Guild. She also looks forward to exploring the social
justice groups and cultural clubs CSUN has to offer. She is nervous about balancing her school
life with extracurriculars and acting. However, she tries and remind herself that college is a
completely new experience that takes time to learn how to navigate!
She participated The Acting Program and Film Screenings in Dr. Barbara Seniors Harkins
Foundation. She ABSOLUTELY believes the Acting Program prepared her to apply for college.
Keith David has been an incomparable mentor in preparing her for the auditions she needed to
get into college all the way through to the work she will do throughout my career. The Harkins
Foundation’s acting program, through its workshops and presentations with industry
professionals, has given her the confidence to pursue her passion of acting wholeheartedly; and
she knows as she does, she has people with the Foundation who have her back throughout.
She wants to become an actor, but also want to learn about the art of set building and prop-
making. The CSUN theatre major allows her to explore all facets of theatre. She already feel
herself falling deeper in love with the art form! After college, she would love to work in film and
TV, but right now she is particularly in love with theatre.
Some advice for younger classmates about applying for colleges she would like to say is: Don’t
feel pressure to apply to or go to a certain college just for prestige!
Find colleges that align with your values and interests; what are the professors teaching and
what do the degree programs focus on? What is the environment like? Do they have
extracurriculars you’re dreaming of joining? I was stressing TOO MUCH about not getting into or
not having the funds to apply to some prestigious art schools, but I am happier than ever at my
current school because it aligns with who I am and who I want to be!